
Prologue of My Cold Husband

Aashi’s POV

I woke up with a groan, holding my head in my hands as it was spinning while my frantic eyes wandered around the dark room but my breath hitched when they stopped at him sitting on an armchair holding a glass of alcohol in his hand but his fierce eyes were staring at me intently without any emotions in them instilling a fear inside me, I couldn’t see his face but I could feel his dominating and intimidating aura reflecting from him that's enough to tell me who he was.

My husband

I felt tears brimming in my eyes and my heart starting pounding in my ribcage. Every cell of my body wanted to fly into his arms for which I had been craving for the last three years.

Whoever said that distance made love fade away was absolutely wrong, rather it made it more intense and insane like anything.

"I hope you enjoyed running away from me but……" his cold voice echoed across the room making me flinch involuntarily as I could feel rage in his voice but I'm ready for it.

“There is no escape from me now for you” he roared furiously, throwing the glass on the floor which shattered into pieces while getting up from the chair while my teary eyes glued to him in desperation.

He moved towards me like a predatory while his cold gaze held me captive while a shiver ran down in my spine making me gulped down.

“V……Vishant” I stuttered as overwhelming emotion crashed upon me making me choke on words.

I wanted to share many things with him but my voice didn’t support me.

His step halted as he growled, spatted at me rudely "So you remember my name, I thought three years was long enough for you to forget the name of the husband you were running away from, leaving him in hellhole."

There was only accusation in his voice which clenched my heart painfully.

I shook my head furiously denying his accusations.

“W…….We n…….needed this” I tried to explain my point to him but he marched towards me like a raging bull, pushing me flat on the bed and hovering over me with his hands holding mine beside on my head.

“I don’t fucking believe it, you are selfish like your bastard father” he seethed with red blazing eyes sending a cold shiver ran down my spine, I trembled under him.

"I thought you loved me but I was delusional to think you could love me when you were just playing with me” he bellowed tightening his grip on my wrist making winch in pain while his blazing eyes spewing fire at me but what tore me to the core were his doubt on my love for him.

I felt a strong rush of anger inside me how could he think like this?

“If you dare to doubt my love, I will chop your tongue into pieces” I shouted pushing him but I was not able to move him even an inch but something flashed in his eyes but his face was still stoic.

“I want you in every sense.” My eyes widened at his blunt demand as I didn't expect this at all from the behaviour he was showing me a few seconds ago.

“Yes, or no??” his words were stern while his piercing eyes was challenging me which I was tempted to accept it as I was no longer that timid Aashi he knew. I could give him equality in every damm thing.

“Let go of my hands” I demanded and he released my hands without a word which were wrapped around his neck the next moment to pull him closer to me “But I will take the lead.”

“That won't happen” He pressed his lips to mine with a force taking me off guard but soon I came back aggressively.





I followed those voices with a smile plastered on my face even though my lower region was throbbing with pain, he was wild like an animal and raw like anything last night but there was a tinkling sensation in my heart.

It was coming from the living hall. I entered inside hissing with every step I took but what I saw in front of me clenched my heart mercilessly, the smile on my face vanished and was replaced by tears and anger.

He was sitting there on the sofa, a girl in his lap, smiling while their hands roamed freely over each other, her head on his shoulder and his hand caressing her hair lovingly.

what the hell is this?

"How much longer do we have to wait??" She asked him in a sweet voice piercing my heart.

Why isn't he pushing her?

“Some more time” he told her in a voice that even I had never heard, she calmed down but my anger was out of my control, I was not that timid Aashi who will accept whatever he said, yesterday I had become vulnerable due to my overwhelming emotions but not now.

I marched towards them, ignoring my pain and yanked the girl from her lap by holding her arms.

She got startled by this but this man was sitting comfortably on the sofa without moving an inch but his eyes turned dark as he glanced at me and the next second, he stood in front of me towering over me with his height, he pulled her closer to him slipping his arm around her waist making me burn in anger and zealously and asked her but his sharp eyes were boring holes into mine “Are you okay??”

She nodded like a fucking doll placing her face on his chest and looking at me "Who is she??"

I clenched my fists in anger, this woman was clinging to my husband and asking who am I? And this shameless man was pulling her closer to him instead of pushing her away.

I felt a twisting pain in my heart which increased tenfold when I heard his next words "She's nobody"

My heart shattered into pieces and my tears started brimming in my eyes and I saw something flicker in his eyes which vanished in the next second.

“You go and wait for me in the car,” he told her in a stern tone which she obliged nodding her head and left but not before giving me ‘I don’t like you’ look.

“Who is she” I asked through gritted teeth.

“These are some papers that need your signature and I don't think you'll have any problem” he said, ignoring my question and pointing to the file on the table.

“You……” he cut me off “Not a single word, you got what you wanted, now give me what I want.”

He walked away without giving me a glance leaving me numb while tears rolling down my eyes.

I picked up that file with my trembling hands but as soon as I read it, it slipped from my hand breaking my heart into many pieces while my eyes were fixed only on one word "Divorce".


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