IH Part 1

Innocent Heart Part 1


Author’s POV

A multinational company " Group of Khurana Industries ". A place where everyone dreams of working, who wanted to show themselves something in life.

In one of big cabin, a man was leisurely sitting on the leather chair like a king who ruled the whole world infact he was really a king of business world. He was the man who could make anyone from king to beggar and from beggar to king. He had dominating and intimidated aura around him which was only screaming danger nothing else. He was none other than Vishant Raisingh Khurana, CEO of the Group of Khurana Industries.

He was engrossed in his deep thoughts when someone barged inside without knocking on the door making him shut his eyes before opening them widely with a sigh before glancing at that direction as he knew that only one person would dare to barge into his cabin, his brother, Karan Sharma Raisingh Khurana, COO of Group of Khurana Industries.

Karan walked inside lazily and informed him throwing himself on the couch “everything has been set as you want, if there's another thing, you can tell me.”

A wicked smirk formed on Vishant's face and something dangerous flickered in his eyes as he heard him and stood up from the chair walking towards to glass wall where he could see beautiful city of India, Dehradun where he shifted just a week ago with Karan.

“This is enough for them for now. Let them deal with this first then we will start our next plan.” He stated in serious ama malicious tone with clenched jaws and red furious eyes, turning towards him.

Karan gazed up at his brother who also staring at him with some raging emotions which he very well knew as they were same emotions that he had been seeing in his eyes for years.

“Okay” Karan said in determined voice while Vishant nodded his head with same determination thinking about him, for whom they were sowing the trap to destroy. If they hated anyone in the world, it’s only him, their sole enemy.

They had strong urge to destroy to their enemy who was behind their misery.

They spent years of their life for the same purpose and that was to destroy that person. They wanted only one thing in their life that was the destruction of their enemy and they will definitely do that.

“Okay I am leaving” Karan said getting up from sofa as he received a massage on his phone for an important meeting and left getting a nod from him.

Vishant walked to his revolving chair with some dangerous emotions in his eyes and mumbled in dangerous tone with clenched jaws and his red furious eyes “Just a few more days, your doom is very close to you. I promise you that you will curse the day you are born. You snatched away my family, I will snatch away everything from you and you can't even save a single thing."

His eyes darkened as smirk deepened on his lips with some kind of satisfaction that he'd started building a web around him but he didn’t even have a clue.


On the other hand, The Agarwal Industry which had a very tense atmosphere in the conference room. The people present there were talking about some major issue, if all this did not go well quickly, then Agarwal industry will be finished.

They all were tensed. They all wanted only one thing which was to save their company.

A beautiful girl looked at a middle-aged man who had worried expression on his face and said "Papa it's very critical. We have to do something otherwise we will be doomed.”

She was his elder daughter, Mahi Agarwal.

Young man got up from his chair to put his suggestion there and walk in front of the conference table. He tapped on table to gain their attention.

“I believe this is a very critical situation but we have to face it. I have an idea. I know we messed up last time, I know that the last of the company that gave us the biggest order was not verified properly due to which we did not know that the company was a fraud. we took a lot of money from the market for that order and used it to complete order and now we have the product but not the client but as we all know Khurana Industry is the construction leading company of this time so we can try to get their help. I have set up the meeting through one of my sources, tomorrow is my meeting, I hope it will help us.”

On hearing all this, everyone in the conference started looking at each other while whispering.

"Till today, no one has even seen Mr. Khurana, he is a very private man. nor is he on any social media, nor have he seen him at any party.  He is hard to crack man. Do you really think he will help us?” One of them raised his concern drawing attention on him.

The CEO of the company was that middle-aged man Rajat Agarwal spoke in his authoritative tone "Whatever it is. we must try. we have no other way out”

Everyone nodded their head in agreement as they all knew that they had no other option.

“Now we end this meeting here" Rajat said looking at everyone.

Hearing this everyone left Meeting room. the man who suggested that idea said, worry lacing in his voice "Papa don't worry…. everything will be fine please don't take tension you have heart problem. It will only get worsen your condition.” 

He was Ajay Agarwal, son of Rajat Agarwal.

Rajat looked at his son who was staring at him with worried expression.

From behind Mahi said with concern filled voice “Bhai (brother) is right. you should not take so much tension, now we should all go home too, it is too late."

Rajat nodded his head in agreement and said “let’s go……. Aashi will be waiting for us.”

They left.


Agarwal Mansion was one of the luxurious mansions in Dehradun. Two cars came and halted outside the mansion.  Seeing them the watchman came and opened the main gate. the cars entered inside the house and Mahi, Rajat and Ajay came out of the car and entered inside the house through the main door.

Rajat asked their old maid Janaki as he entered inside the mansion "Where is our princess????"

Janaki replied with a smile who had been working in this mansion for more than twenty years, who had taken care of Rajat's three children after Rama’s death. Rama was Rajat’s wife who died many years ago “She has been waiting for you all for dinner and is now in the garden.”

Rajat went to the garden and his eyes caught a beautiful girl sitting in the garden and staring at the stars with a beautiful smile playing on her lips. She was the most beautiful girl you had ever seen in your life. Her eyes held childlike innocence that acted like a drug to drag anyone towards her. she had flawless skin, doe like eyes, pink tempting lips, perfect curves and waist length dark brown hair.

He smiled looking at his daughter. He loved his all kids equally but he pampered his younger daughter like five years kid as she was innocent like a kid.

He called her name in loving voice with glittering eyes "Aashi".

She turned around and smiled brightly with her eyes twinkling with joy as she saw her father who loved her most in the world. She literally ran to her father like a kid and hugged him throwing her arms around him while rubbing her nose on his chest making him chuckle at her antics.

He hugged his daughter with one hand while his other hand reached to her hair to caress.

She lifted up her face to look at him with a sheepish grin without breaking the hug who was smiling at her warmly.

"How long have I been waiting for you all. you know that big elephants were dancing in my tummy with hunger. Why did you take so much time??" she asked her father pouting like a kid while glaring at him with fake anger to which he smiled. She was too way innocent for this cruel world, that’s the reason he loved her more than anyone and she was his only weakness as Ajay and Mahi were capable enough to fight for themselves but she was not, she was fully depended on them.

She was nineteen years old second-year student. Rajat's younger daughter and Mahi was Ajay's younger sister. she did not know the cruel side of the world. her world was her family and her friends which her life revolved around. She was princess and most pampered person of her family. a little scratch on her body or a single drop of tear also made everyone restless.

“Sorry Princess” he said with a sorry face kissing on her forehead lovingly. She smiled back at her father and said in her sweet voice parting herself from him “it’s ok papa”

"let’s go, I'm starving" she dragged him to the dining table where Mahi and Ajay were already waiting for them.

Ajay hugged his baby sister and asked kissing on her forehead like a loving brother "How was your day doll?”

“It was wonderful. I have enjoyed a lot with Sakshi, Kavya, Kabir and Nikhil. You know we went to the movie today” she exclaimed like kid with her toothy smile.

She started feeding him what she did all day and he too listened with interest but as soon as Mahi tapped on her shoulder, she stopped her blabbering and took her in a bone crashing hug “How was your day di (sister)?”

“Not like yours, it was hectic like hell” Mahi said making annoyed face to which she giggled.

“I am starving. Let’s have dinner.” Mahi said pinching her little red nose to which she whined.

They all settled on the table and had their dinner with little chitchatting.

after having dinner everyone retired to their respective rooms for today.

Aashi's room was decorated with princess styled as if she were still a child for them. she was doing her project in a laptop on her study table. She was so lost in the project that she didn’t realize that Ajay had come to her room.

Daily Ajay came to her room to check on her as it was his routine to check on his family once before sleeping.

He walked to her shaking his head who was frowning on something looking at the laptop.

“You haven't slept yet????” her brother’s caring voice snapped her out of her thoughts and her head turned around to look at him with smile.

 "No bhai (Brother), there is only a little bit of work left in the project. I will complete in sometime then I will sleep.” She said shaking her head lightly while a small yawn left her mouth involuntary which made her shut her mouth with her palms.

Ajay chuckled at her and said in little stern tone patting her head like a little puppy "you are sleepy doll and it's already too late so do it tomorrow, it would be better if you go to sleep or else your health will affect."

She knew from this tone that he will not listen to her so she didn’t protest and nodded her head like a little obedient girl.

“Good night bhai (bro)” she said in sleepy tone while covering herself with blanket.

“Good night baccha (kiddo)” Ajay kissed on her forehead before leaving the room.


Mahi was laying on the bed to sleep but sleep was far away from her eyes as her mind was occupied with someone's thoughts, it was a man who occupied her mind in a single meeting.

A smile formed on her lips when she remembered how they first met and how he saved her life like a hero. That day was still fresh in her memory as if it happened today.

One day she was standing on the side of the road as her car broke down suddenly. She was so engrossed in booking a cab on her phone that she didn’t notice a car which was coming towards her at full speed but just as the car was about to hit her, suddenly a hand pulled her backward.

The car went straight from there without stopping.

All this happened so suddenly that she got scared, her heart started pounding in her chest crazily while her hands started shaking at the thought of what just happened. She was not responding to anything as she was still in shock.

She came out of her shock when someone shook her by grabbing her shoulder.

A deep manly voice reached to her ear bringing her out of the shock "Are you okay???"

She came into her senses and looked at the person who was looking at her with some unknown emotion which she couldn’t decipher but her heart skipped a beat as her eyes fell on him.

He was handsome man with strong muscular body with Greek god like features.

"Are you okay? Where are you lost?” she was literally gawking him when she heard his deep husky voice which made her heart summersault

“Thank you for saving my life” she said with smile composing herself.

“It's my pleasure that god gave me the chance to save the life of such a beautiful girl.” That man said with charming smile which was making her heart flatter.

“Thank you so much once again for saving me, if you hadn't saved me today, I don't know what would have happened with me” she again thanked him for saving her life.

“Hello……. I am Mahi Agarwal” she wanted to know about him so she introduced herself to him.

He smirked at her.

“Your name??” she asked him when he didn’t tell her his name. She really wanted to know about him.

“What's so soon, we'll meet again soon. Then I'll tell you about myself as long as you remember me by the name you want to give me.” That mysterious man said to her.

She was thinking what the meaning behind his words was when he left from there.

She looked around to search him but she didn’t find him anywhere. She also left from there.

she said dreamily to herself "you said we will meet again but where are you? I am waiting for you”

 She took a pillow in her arms and tightly hugged it.


In a large room of Shan Mansion which had all the gym's equipment’s and machines, a handsome man with bare chest running on a treadmill in front of a glass door.

His body was shining with sweat as sunrays fell on his body and his hairs were messy. His mouthwatering eight abs were on display to make any girl drool over him.

He was the Greek god who could bring any girl to their knees with just one glance at him but he didn’t pay a fuck to them as he didn’t find them worthy for his time.

His head snapped when he heard footsteps to find Karan walking inside the GYM.

Karan walked inside and started his exercise giving him a smile which he returned and again he turned his head towards the glass wall and started thinking something but Karan's voice interrupted him “Vishant Today you have meeting at 11:00 am with Ajay Agarwal as you wanted.”

Vishant looked at him with a wicked smirk playing on his face who doing push-ups but his eyes fixed on him to see his expression.

Vishant got down from the treadmill and walked to him.

“Good… I just wanted him to come to me for help so that I could start my plan to ruin them to shreds.” He growled in dangerous and cold tone and started doing push-ups with Karan.

“If you want, we can also ruin them at this moment. without our help, they are on the verge of bankruptcy. I don’t think that there need to help them.” Karan asked him as he couldn’t want to wait to destroy them.

A sudden rage arose inside Vishant which was provoking him to do what Karan was suggesting but his sadistic mind was preventing him from doing it because he didn’t want to end his pain in a few minutes by killing him. Rather, he wanted that as they were suffering, he should also suffer.

“No…… I don't want to punish those people so easily. I want to ruin him by doing it slowly. I want him to feel same the pain which we felt when he snatched everything from us. I want to destroy him without any mercy that's what I've wanted and want to ruin them with my own hands.” He hissed in anger getting up abruptly clenching his hand tightly in fists. He was looking like volcano which was ready to burst out. His eyes filled with hatred for him.

Karan stood up with a huff and looked at him with calm expressions. He put his hand on Vishant’s shoulder and said “Don’t worry I'm always with you. we will do everything that is necessary for his ruin.”

Karan also hated that man equally but he was calm man but Vishant was angry hot-headed man.

“I know my bhai (brother)... you are with me” he put his hand on Karan’s hand which was on his shoulder.


Ajay drove his car and reached Khurana Industry. He parked his car and walked inside the building. He looked at interior which was only screaming luxury which he couldn't help but admire but when he remembered why he was here he shrugged off his thoughts and went towards receptionist and informed to the receptionist “today I have a meeting with Mr. Vishant Raisingh Khurana.”

Female receptionist looked at Ajay with professional smile and asked him, “Sir, your name??? please.”

Ajay gave her sweet smile and told her his name like professional “Ajay Agarwal, CEO of Agarwal industry”

“Give me one minute sir….” She said turning her attention on computer.

She saw meeting schedule of Vishant “Yes sir, you have a meeting with Vishant sir. Right now, he is busy with another meeting. You'll be informed as soon as he’s free. "

“Okay… no problem” Ajay said and went to sit on sofa which was placing in lobby.

Ajay was waiting for the meeting but his mind was in chaos. he had to save his company. this meeting was very important for him but he was also a little nervous for this meeting.

This was not his first meeting but it’s very important for his company.

He had no choice. He couldn't make a mistake. If he was not able to convince him of this deal, then the Agarwal industry will be in a big trouble.

He opened his laptop to recheck his presentation once again.


Vishant was sitting in his office and doing some work in laptop and like as always Karan barged in without caring to knock.

He lifted his head up from his laptop with a huff and looked at Karan who was standing in front of him with a smirk on his lips.

“What happened?” Vishant raised his right eyebrow upward and asked him in serious voice.

“He has come here, what to do” Karan smirked evilly and told him

An evil smirk formed on Vishant’s face. He leaned his head on chair and said in bored tone “let him wait. The more his impatience grows, the sooner he will yearn to fall into our trap.”

“I love it” Karan chortled.

“Would you like to a cup of coffee with me” Karan asked him slumping down on the couch.

“Why not” Vishant said and called his secretary to send two cups of coffee for them.

Vishant came and sat beside him.

Vishant put his head on sofa “he does not even know that at this time he is not saving his company but is ruining it by coming to us.”

“I didn't think that he would fall into our trap so easily.” Karan chuckled darkly shaking his head.

“They don’t have any option other than this” Vishant said in poison filled with voice. He really hated Rajat Agarwal and his family.

His body stiffed as some memories flashed infront of his eyes.

He wanted to kill him with his hand mercilessly but he wanted to give him slow and painful death.

A knock on door broke his deep thoughts. He said in his stern voice “come in”

His secretary entered inside his office room holding coffee tray in her hands.

She put coffee tray on table and left from there.

Vishant took coffee mugs from tray and gave one cup of coffee mug to Karan.

They drank their coffee talking about business.

“Ok… I am going” Karan got up from sofa.

“okay” he said.

Karan left from there.


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