IH Part 2

Innocent Heart Part 2


Author’s POV

Ajay was impatiently waiting for Vishant in the meeting room when the door of the room opened revealing a man.

Ajay got up from chair out of respect as the man walked up to him and said in strong and dominating tone “Hello Mr. Agarwal”

He forwarded his hand for hand shake formally which the man took it and shook his hands with him.

“Hello Mr. Khurana, thank you so much for giving us a chance.” Ajay said in professional way with a small smile.

“Sorry Mr. Agarwal, I'm Karan Sharma Raisingh Khurana. I am COO of this company. Mr. Khurana had an emergency so he could not come to the meeting but you can start this meeting with me. I will convey all the details of the meeting to him. let's start the meeting.” He raised his eyebrow before speaking.

“Khurana” Ajay asked with a frown marring on his forehead to which Karan nodded his head “yes I am his brother, can we start the meeting now.”

Ajay nodded his head in understanding and said apologetically “Okay, let’s start the meeting without wasting your time.”

Karan gestured him to take sit to which he accepted.

The meeting started, Ajay told Karan the list of top products of his company and told him about his company and proposed to him that if he used his company's furniture for their new apartment scheme, they will supply them their products at a discount of less than 20% of the market rate. On hearing this Karan said "Mr. Agarwal, I liked your proposal very much, but I can't decide it alone. Please wait for few days. I will convey your proposal to Mr. Khurana. "

Ajay nodded and said thank you to Karan before finishing the meeting.




Karan stormed inside in vishant’s cabin and without wasting a second threw himself on the couch m moving his gaze his brother who doing something on the laptop while talking on the phone.

Vishant looked at him and asked him to wait in gestures to which he nodded his head making himself comfortable on the couch putting his legs on the table.

He took out his phone and started playing games to pass the time.

Vishant finished his call and came to Karan and sat on the couch.

“What happened?? How was the meeting??” he asked in stern and no-nonsense tone while putting his phone on table.

Karan sat straight looking at him and said in same serious tone “it's been good.”

He told him about the meeting which vishant listened patiently without interrupting him.

“Karan, I want you to add a condition from our side to accent this proposal.” Vishant said putting his one leg on the other.

“Which condition??” he asked with a frown on his forehead and peered at him perplexedly as they talked about it before but then there was no condition which he didn’t know.

“If they wanted me to accept their proposal. they will have to make me a 20% shareholder in their company.” He said with a smirk making his eyes narrow on him.

“What's going on in your devil mind Vishant. tell me something what you're thinking of doing???” he asked him fixing his full attention on him.

Hearing his question suddenly his composure changed drastically, his eyes turned bloodshot red and his clenched tightly. he was serious before but now he was fuming with anger and hatred.

the mere mention of him was enough to set him on fire.

“I want to enter into Agarwal Industry and want to destroy him slowly from the inside so that I can snatched everything from him.” he snarled gritting his teeth in anger to which Karan sighed nodding his head.

“Ok... I will arrange everything and inform you. we will send them a proposal but please calm down.” Karan said to him rubbing on his arm to cool him down which helped to some extant but not fully.

“Leave it all, did you talk to them? She was hell angry” he asked him about them to change his mood to which vishant looked at him with a distress face.

“She was damm angry. Bhai (bro) talk to her otherwise she will take our class” Karan said chuckling making him smile too with him.

“Yeah, she will definitely kill me” vishant said picking his phone to call her.


Rajat was waiting for Ajay in his office when Ajay walked into the cabin and Mahi also trailed behind him.

He gestured him to sit.

“How was the meeting son???” he asked his son in calm voice when Ajay settled on couch.

“Yes Bhai (bro)..  tell us quickly. I can't wait.” She said in her impatient tone taking seat beside her father who was sitting on the couch.

“Mahi relax…... give Ajay a chance to speak something.” He put his hand on her shoulder to tell her relax.

“Ok Papa” mahi said taking a long breathe to calm her nerves.

“So, Ajay......” he asked him looking at him who was also staring at them.

“It's good, but...” he left his sentence incomplete making them tensed.

He took a glass of water from table and drank before looking back at them who was staring at him with worry lines visible on their forehead.

“But what bhai (bro)???”  Mahi asked again but this time in calm manner.                           

“I didn’t get to meet Mr. Khurana. he had got some important work, due to which he could not attend the meeting. I had a meeting with his brother. he liked our proposal very much, he said that he will talk to Mr. Khurana and tell us his decision as soon as possible. till then we will have to wait.” He said in one go.

“I have full faith in my son and they will definitely accept our proposal.” He said to his son with a smile and patted his back as he knew that decisions were not taken in haste in business, so it was enough for him that they will consider their proposal.

“Sure papa” he exclaimed with a smile taking his father’s hands in his.

“Papa is right, now you all relax. I have plans to shop with my friends today so I am going.” Mahi said this and left from there without wasting a single second.  

Rajat and Ajay laughed and shook their head looking her retreating figure. In her life shopping came first.


Mahi parked her car into the parking lot and entered the mall and saw that her friends were already waiting for her at the entrance. She went to them and hugged them.

“Let's go guys” she said enthusiastically clapping her hands and her friends shouted with same enthusiasm.

They did a lot of shopping and went to a restaurant for lunch and ordered their lunch for themself.

Mahi was looking around when her eyes fell in the VIP section and saw a familiar face that had been clouding her thoughts for days. He was the man who saved her life, he was talking to someone there.

She got happy to see him again and couldn’t stop herself from going there. She was already desperate to meet him and when he was in front of her, she will never miss this chance.

She walked to the VIP section from there on the pretext of making excuses to her friends.

When she was about to enter inside, the doorman stopped her on doorstep and said in very polite manner "Sorry mam you can't go in. That is the VIP section, for that you have to register in advance. If you have booking then you can show me otherwise, I will not let you inside”

She shook her head and requested him "Please let me in.”

“The man who is there, he knows me. I want to meet him.” She said pointed at that man but the doorman didn’t let her in.

She got upset and came back to her friends, sat down and started having lunch with them but her entire attention was on that man. after lunch all of her friends left from there but she stayed there and started waiting for that man. A few minutes later the man came out and saw her as she was standing just by the door, his lips curled into a smirk, but he hid it before she saw.

He came to her.

“Hello Miss Mahi…how are you??” he asked her with a charming smile forwarding his hand for handshake.

she felt something in her tummy as she heard his deep voice and a bright smile broke out on her lips.

“I am fine and you???” she shook her hands with him and asked him with dreaming smile.

“As always fine, what are you doing here??” he asked and gestured her with his hand to sit on chair.

They both sat on chairs where previously she was sitting with her friends.

she smiled and told him in happy tone “I came here with my friends but when I saw you, I waited for you. I hope you don't mind.”

“Nope Miss. Agarwal, In fact, I am glad that you have stayed to see me and even then, I need a help, which only a girl could do, so will you help me?" he asked making her happy that she will get more time to spend with him.

“Yes…but I have one condition.” She told him putting her hand on her cheek while her insiders were dancing in excitement.

“What???” he asked her raising his right eyebrow.

 “Don't call me miss Agarwal. only call me mahi.” She said with a little chuckle.

“No problem I will call you mahi.” He said her.

“Tell me what you want???” she asked her.

“I want to buy a necklace for someone special and my knowledge is less for all this so will you help me?” he asked her which made her mood fell down and thought “for whom he was buying necklace?? Is he married?  No Mahi don't think like that. maybe he was buying it for someone else. "

The man put his hand on her hand which was placed on table and shook her hand her and asked her "Where have you lost??".

She came to her senses. She looked at him and shook her head.

“Okay then let’s go” he got up from chair.

They both left from there.


Aashi was sitting in the garden working on her project when Janaki came there and said lovingly putting her hand on her head “Aashi is too late you haven't eaten anything yet. Let's eat something first and then work.”

“There's just a little bit of work left, Maasi I'll do it quickly and then I'll have lunch.” She said innocently giving a quick glance at her while putting back her eyes on laptop.

Janaki shook her head at her and took laptop from her.  

“Please… give me my laptop” she whined pouting. She wanted to complete her project first, then lunch but Janaki was not letting her do.

“No, eat first then do your work. if you don't listen to me then I will tell Rajat sir that you have not eaten anything since morning. Then you know that what will happened with you.” Janaki said glaring at her.

Aashi shook her head immediately with horrified face as she knew what her father would do if he found out she hadn't eaten since morning.

“No….. no….. you won't do anything like that. You know dad, he'll be angry. Okay I am coming with you.”  She exclaimed raising her hands in air while making best puppy face to melt her.

She accepted her defeat as she knew that she will not leave her alone.

Janaki melted right away seeing her innocent eyes but she didn’t show up on her face as she couldn't compromise on her health

“Hurry up..” Janaki said in fake stern turning around to hid her smile. Aashi pouted cutely but followed her to the dining room. Janaki went to kitchen taking her laptop with her.

Aashi sat on chair in dining table and started playing with plates and spoon.

Janaki came with food and served her. She started feeding her with her hand when Aashi grabbed her hand and looked at her with fake anger.

“I'm not a child anymore. I've grown up. why do you all still treat me like a child? for God’s sake I'm 19 years old and I can eat with my own hands.” She pouted like a little girl who was sulking over something.

“I know you've grown up but for me you'll always be the child I've taken care of after your mother left.” She said in dull tone while tears started forming in her eyes as she was like a child to her.

Janaki loved her so much.

“Don't cry, I was joking, you want me to eat from your hand, then I will eat from your hand, just stop crying.  You are not like my mother but you are my mother.” She hugged her immediately.

Aashi wiped her tears and made her sit beside her.

“I am all yours” Aashi said winking at her which made her smile.

 “Now open your mouth and eat quietly.” She took a morsal from plate and hold in front of her mouth.

“Your wish is my command your highness” she bowed her head down dramatically.

Hearing this Janaki also started laughing with Asahi and she started feeding her with her hands.


The man and Mahi entered a big jewellery showroom. She looked around in showroom to find it marvellous.

The man looked at her with a smirk that how she was looking at the showroom with an awe expression. He didn't even need to ask her to know if she liked it as her face was enough to tell.

“They have beautiful collections” involuntary these words slipped out of her mouth but she shut her mouth when he saw a man in suit standing infront of her.

“I am manager of this showroom, welcome mam and Mr…..” Manager of showroom personally welcome them as he knew who the man was. Manager about to take his name but that man told him to keep quite in gesturing. Manager understood his gesture and didn’t not say anything but didn’t leave the chance to get in his good book. He took them to a room and ordered the best necklace sets of the showroom for them.

Mahi was still lost in herself. she did not understand why she did not like to select jewellery for other woman who was closed to him, she unexpectedly felt jealous.

She couldn’t control her urge to ask him “who is she that you're buying it for.”

He could sense the jealousy in her voice which made him satisfy with his work.

That man said in loving tone to increase her jealousy “she's very special to me.”

She nodded her head giving him tight lipped smile turning her attention to necklace which was infront of the her on the table.

She was feeling low but still she reluctantly started helping him to choose the necklace.

“This one, what do you think??” Her eyes fell on a very beautiful shiny necklace.

That man looked at the necklace “it’s really beautiful”

He asked the manager to pack the necklace and told her to wait outside as he got a call which he couldn’t avoid.

She came out to the room and started looking around but her eyes caught a very beautiful bracelet.

“Please show me that bracelet” She asked the sell girl to show her the bracelet.

It was a beautiful bracelet. Moon and stars hanging in bracelet with the help of chains.

Her lips curled up in smile seeing bracelet. She was sure that Aashi will love it.

She told the sell girl to pack that bracelet.

She came to the counter to make the payment but before she could procced the man came there and said " Add the bill of this bracelet to my bill as well.”

Mahi turned to look at him who was still doing something on his phone. she didn’t want to take that bracelet from him so refused him politely “No… I will pay for it please..."

He looked at her averting his eyes from his phone and said in soft tone but his eyes were intimidated "Take this as a gift from me to help me. "

She did not want to take such an expensive gift so she again refused "No… how can I take it from you and infact it is not for me. I am buying it for my younger sister. "

Something flashed in his eyes hearing about her sister but it vanished in a second before she could notice.

"I would like to pay for it. I think you love your sister a lot.” He asked her.

She felt something odd in his voice but she couldn’t decipher so she shrugged it off.

"Yes… she was our princess. We loved her a lot" she said to him with so much love in her eyes.

Remembering Aashi, she smiled widely.

"She is very lucky that she has a loving sister like you. I think that you should give her this gift on my behalf." the man said to Mahi with an unknown expression.

After a lot of insisting she agreed and accepted his gift. His phone started to ringing so he excused her and went to attend to that call.

He came in a while and said “I have some urgent work so I have to go. I will drop you to your car.”


Mahi came to Aashi's room who was lying on sofa and playing with her phone while making cute faces but when she saw mahi in her room she sat on sofa throwing her phone on the couch and beamed in chirpy voice “Diiiiiiiiiiiii (elder sister)”

Mahi came and sat beside her. She hugged her tightly and said with excitement “I have a surprise for you.”

Aashi got excited hearing this and asked her "Quickly tell me"

Mahi gave her the same bracelet box which she selected for her "Open it and tell me..  did you like it?"

Aashi opened it and got happy to see that bracelet and took Mahi in bone crashing hug "you are the Best". 

Ajay came in her rooms when heard over exciting and happy voice of his little sisters.

"She is best and what about me???????” he said showing fake hurt face from behind making Aashi leapt into his arms “both of you are the best and papa is super best.”

 They chuckled at her before sharing a group hug. Like these few days passed.


Vishant was sleeping on his bed. He was murmuring something in his sleep. He was having a nightmare. His body was covering with sweat and continuously turning his head left and right to stop that nightmare.

“Don’t hurt them  please…..” he was mumbling, crying profusely in sleep.

Suddenly he jolted up from his nightmare and started panic.

He ran his hands over his face. he put his one hand on his chest rubbing in soothing manner when he realised it was a nightmare.

He opened side table’s drawer taking out a bottle. He took a pill from that bottle and gulped down with water.

He stood up and came to the balcony of his room and hissed in anger slamming his palms on the railing "I will not leave those who are responsible for our condition today. if I didn't make those people's lives worse than hell. I'm not me."

He slumped dowm on the sofa there. Medicine started its effect in his body and he slept on sofa. When the first light of the sun fell on his face, he woke up and saw that he slept there at night.

 He went back to the room and freshened up and came to the gym's room. Karan was already there and doing his exercise. when he saw his gloomy face.  Karan asked Vishant "Have you seen the same nightmare again???"

There was a look of disappointment on Vishant's face "It's become my life, but I'll quickly pass on this pain to the people because of whom I'm in pain myself today. "

Karan hugged his brother who badly needed this hug. Vishant hugged him back.

"Tell me when we will start the next part of our plan and you don't take tension, everything will be fine soon." Karan asked him in serious tone parting himself from him. He couldn’t see his brother in pain.

Vishant wore boxing gloves and started punching to punching bag like he was taking out his anger on it.

"You fix a meeting with Agarwal today itself and tell him about my conditions. I know they won't be able to refuse.” He said in between punching session.

"Ok…. I will arrange a meeting right now and update you.” Karan said staring at his brother with worry in his eyes.

They ended the exercise while talking about their business.


Aashi was getting ready for college in her room when she remembered the bracelet given by Mahi and wore it and came to the dining room after getting ready.

Everyone was there. she went to Rajat and hugged him and wished him a good morning showing her bracelet to Rajat like kid who showed their favourite toy to their father.

"Di brought for me, it's beautiful just like me.” She said praising herself.  She put her other hand on her face gazing at her father to say something.

He kissed on her forehead and said in proud way "No…. our princess is more beautiful".

She hugged her father beaming in joy.

She hugged mahi and Ajay and wished them ‘Good Morning.’

She came and sat beside Mahi and started having her breakfast. It was then that Rajat asked Ajay "there is any reply that came from Mr. Khurana's side".

Ajay said while filling his glass with orange juice "Today's meeting is with Mr. Karan. He is coming to tell the decision of the Khuranas and he wants everyone to be present in this meeting."

 “Why are all the board members called?” Rajat asked him sceptically.

“Papa he is coming for the Meeting. we will know why he has called all the board members.” Mahi spoke making him nod his head but his mind was still running in that direction.

 Aashi didn’t understand their business talk so she quietly had her breakfast and left for college.


Elite college

Driver dropped her at college entrance. she went inside the college and found Kavya and Sakshi in the canteen. She went to them and hugged them from behind and asked them in her energetic voice "How are you guys???"

They were her friends from school time and the three were very good friends. Sakshi was of a very calm nature while Kavya was absolutely opposite to her.

They broke the hug with a smile.

Sakshi chuckled at Aashi who was showing them her teeth.

"I really missed you a lot during these few days of vacation.” Sakshi whined making Aashi nodded with a grin.

"Don’t start your melodrama here" Kavya laughed at their silly antics but pull them in the hug next second “by the way, I also missed you guys a lot".

Other two member of their gang joined them.

Nikhil was the son of Aashi's family friend and He was first Best friend of Aashi and like brother to her but they met Kabir in college but he became a part of their group soon.

"I am also in line. someone hug me too" Nikhil said in flirting way wiggling his eyebrows at them while Kabir made a fake crying face “don’t worry buddy. I'm here for you. Come on… I'll hug you. "

“No” Nikhil shouted with horrifying face making all the girls laughed at them while Kabir just smirked at him.

“Did you enjoy your vacation?? To be honest I couldn't enjoy without you." he muttered to Aashi as they settled around their usual table.

"Just let it be, you haven't found anyone else that’s why you trying your cheesy lines on me" she slapped on his shoulder with fake anger to earn a sheepish smile from him.

She knew that he was just flirting with her like he did with every girl in the college.

Nikhil made a sad face and said in dramatic voice "oppps.., you broke my heart babe".

They laughed at their silly banter. They spent some time before moving to their classes.

The whole day of the college passed.  in the evening Aashi Gayatri went to the orphanage to meet the children.


In the office room of Gayatri Orphanage two person was talking.

Vishant was sitting on chair across table.

"If you have any problem or need any help, you can tell me. I want to help these kids." He asked an elderly woman to get a warm smile from her

Radha glanced at person who was sitting across table. The boy who was once a small child has now become a young man who was helping the other children of orphanage. She had unshed tears in her eyes seeing him after many years.

Radha gave him her sweet smile "We all have no problem. you have taken good care of them all very well”

They were talking when someone knocked on the door. Radha Maa looked at the door and said “come in”

Then someone came inside and said to Radha Maa "Some urgent work need your attention immediately. Can you come with me for some minutes.”

Radha Maa looked at him and said to Vishant "I'll come in few some minutes."

He nodded his head.  He walked outside of the room to get some fresh air and stood in the corridor and started looking with an emotion in his eyes at the garden. This place reminded him of the bad time in his life when he lost his innocent form. He used to come here with his parents and Karan.

 Radha Maa finished her work and came there where he was standing with gloomy face.

She knew that what he was thinking. She felt bad looking at him. Once he was a happy and naughty boy but now, he was looking like nothing left inside him. This brought tears in her eyes. She quickly wiped her tears before he noticed.  She came to him putting her hand on his shoulder from behind.

He didn’t turn around to see whose hand on his shoulder as he knew that she was his Radha maa.

 "I know it is not so easy to forget our past but if our past dominates our today. it is better to forget it. If you live in past, how will you live in today?" she said in sad voice. She couldn’t see him sad but she had no other option.

"I tried hard but I lose to myself every time" He said in depressing tone while closing his eyes. He also wanted to some peace for his mind and heart but he had no capacity to control them.

She lovingly run her hand over his face and said hopefully "One day you will definitely find someone who will add so much happiness to your life that you will forget everything. No bad past will scare you again.”

She really wished for it with heart.

"Now you leave all these things. all the children are waiting for you. They are in the backyard garden. you go and meet them. They will be happy to see you" she said with a beautiful smile to him.

He smiled back. She patted her hand on his shoulder.

“You go and enjoy. I will come in sometime” she left from there.

(Radha had an irreplaceable role in his and Karan’s life and a mother figure to them. she took care of them when they needed someone most of in their destroyed life.)

On the other side of garden, there was a very beautiful girl playing with children in the garden. She was epitome of beauty. She was jumping with kids and laughing. She was making childlike face to make kids laughing.

He strolled there to find kids playing with a young girl but his heart skipped the beat as his eyes fell on her whose back facing at him.

His heart was beating like a crazy and he didn’t why he felt a strong urge to get a single glance of her. His heart was pulling her towards her without seeing her face. He didn’t know why he wanted to see her face. he felt an undeniable pull drawing him towards her.

His heart started pounding insanely in the ribcage. He took some steps towards to see her face but when his eyes fell on her face his breathe got hitched. He forgot world around him and his gaze fixed on her who was giggling with kids. He saw many beautiful women in his life but this girl stole his heart in single glance. He wanted her in life. He loved the girl at the very first sight.

He slowly started moving towards her unknowingly and quietly stood behind her to freeze her as felt someone presence behind her.

 Her heart thumped violently as she turned to see who was behind her but she lost her balance because of sudden turn.

She shut her eyes in fear making ready herself to get hurting to due to fall but she felt two big arms wrapped around her waist. She felt a shiver run down over her body with this intimidating touch while her heart started beating crazily.

He held her in his strong arms securely. He lost in beauty staring at her without blinking his eyes. She was most beautiful woman for him.

It all happened so suddenly that the girl got scared and didn’t open her eyes but after sometime one when she still felt that arms around her. She opened her eyes slowly.

First thing came her view was his face. she blinked her eyes and looked at him who was staring at her with his intense gaze. He was handsome but his aura and eyes screaming danger. She swallowed a lump formed in her throat. She couldn’t handle his intense gaze so she lowered her head to avoid to eye contact with him.

 She had not seen a man who was both handsome and dangerous at same time. She didn’t know why but she was scared of him. She thought to run away from him but she couldn’t because of his strong grip on her waist.

This was her first time when she was so close with a stranger man who was also had a strong dominating aura around him.

"T….thank you  for saving ….    W…will you p…please leave me now???" she said meekly without looking at him.

He smirked looking at her who was struggling in his arms to get free but failing miserably.

He was looking at her like he had never seen a girl in his life before.

"If I don't want to leave you????." He asked in husky yet stern tone while enjoying her state.

She got scared to hear his words. She looked at him in shock and said in her frightened voice "L…….Look….. I…..I d…..don't l……like all this so leave me."

"On one condition!" he stated in serious but inside he was controlling his smile which was trying to her best to come on his lips.

She was shocked to hear his words and was wondering that how could he put any condition infront of her to leave her. She felt anger inside after hearing him but she didn’t have courage to show him so she asked him in desperate voice "What condition???"

He pulled her closer to him and asked leaning dangerously close on her "tell me your name??"

She put her hands on his chest to make some distance between them. He didn’t like this but didn’t say anything to her.

She started making a child-like face and said in scared voice "Why should I tell you my name and I don't like to talk to stranger. Now you leave me or I'll shout. "

He raised one of his eyebrows and said in cold voice which send a shiver down in her body "shout as much as you want then I will see you will save you from me???"

She was scared to hear him and started trembling.

He again asked in his stern voice which was demanding her to tell her name without any drama, making her flinch slightly "Name ???"

"Aaaaaaaaa.. Aashi" she stammered.

His phone rang at the wrong time making him loose his grip on her unintentionally.

Everything happened in a moment so he didn’t able to catch anything. She took advantage of this and freed herself from him and ran away like a scared kitten.

He stood there with a genuine smile on his lips “little kitten”


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