IH Part 4

Innocent Heart Part 4


Author’s POV

At the dining table in the morning

Karan saw that it was 9:00 am and Vishant was not yet come to have breakfast which he never did that.

He got worried for him. He felt that he was behaving oddly from last night like dancing with Mahi and Aashi.

He went to his room to check on him but what he saw left him numb. Seeing the condition of the room his jaws dopped down and his eyes remained open.

Room was in mess. Broken glass pieces of showpieces, bedsheet, pillow, cushion was on the floor. Bear bottles were rolling on floor. He understood that something very serious was bothering him that’s why he did this. He always did something like this when he was in extreme anger. He roamed his eyes in every corner to find him but he did not see him anywhere. He checked bathroom, walk-in closet and balcony but he was nowhere.

He checked him in all mansion but didn’t find him.

He called on his phone repeatedly but he did not answer his call. He started to worry about him that what happened because of which the condition of the room was. He left for office to see him.


Elite college

Aashi was going inside the college when a car stopped in front of her with screeching sound. She closed her eyes in fear. Vishant climbed down from the car and grabbed her hand and made his way towards car. She opened her eyes to see him dragging her somewhere. She got scared like as always and started useless struggling to free her hand from him but he didn’t leave her hand. He forcefully shoved her inside the passenger seat. She tried again to get out of the car but one glare from him and she stopped her useless trying.

He scolded her in a fit of rage and made her sit in the car quietly and said in his cold voice “If you try to get out one more time it will not be good for you at all.”

She sat quietly and started crying. He came into the driving seat and looked at her crying face.

He shoved his handkerchief to her and said in calmly but demanding tone "I just want to talk to you so stop crying. I will not harm you."

She didn’t stop crying that thing pissed him off.

He got angry and hold her hands in his tight grip yelling at her like angry lion "I said shut up means shut up.”

She flinched pressing her lips into thin line and shutting her eyes tightly which made him leave her hands and took long breathe to not to scare her more but she was already too sacred now  that she was shivering in fear.

She stopped her crying but her sobbing sound was still on, but this time he didn’t lash out on her. He focused on driving.

Car halted in front of a restaurant. He looked at her who was still sobbing. He shook his head and came out of the car. He came her side and opened the door for her and told her softly "Come out we will talk while having breakfast".

She was sitting in the car and was scared of the sudden stop of the car. She cursed herself for being coward. She only felt one thing with him which was fear. She did not come out of the car and grabbed the seat belt tightly in her fist. Seeing her like this he came close to her and opened the seat belt and took out from her fist. He clenched his jaws "You will come yourself or I will take you in my arms. Choices is yours??? I'd have more fun carrying you in my arms. Now you think how do you want to come??"

He bent down to take her in his arms. only then he saw that she started crying again and fat tears rolling down from her chicks which she had held up for so long. Seeing this, he felt really bad so he moved back and gestured her to come out with his eyes. She slowly came out of the car and quietly stood beside him.

He wiped her tears with his handkerchief which she took from him but didn’t use.

He understood her fear so he didn't say anything to her.

 "What should I do with this girl???? She is such a crying baby.  I already told her that I only want to tell her but still she is crying. Stop crying kitten, I hate your tears." he thought in his mind.

He held her hand in his warm hand puling her inside with him.

In a VIP section they were sitting at their table. there was enough distance between each table so that no one could hear to anyone's words.

She was very scared of him and sitting like a shivering kitten who was ready to run away while he was staring her like predator who eyed his pray.

He was looking dangerous with his clenched jaws and deadly blood red eyes.

"What will you eat??" he asked in cold voice while glaring at her who was shivering under his angry gaze.

She didn’t have courage to open her mouth before him but she knew that if she didn’t reply him he will definitely do something which she couldn’t handle so gathered her little courage which was left inside and said in shivering voice without meeting his furious eyes "I….i already h….had m….my b…breakfast.     y…you can carry on with y…your food. Y…..you order what y…..you wanted to h…have to eat.”

He just hummed and ordered his breakfast.

“What did you want to talk to me about? Tell me quickly I have to go to college.” She asked him what was the reason behind this forceful breakfast when he didn’t a speak a single word about it.

She was intimidated in his presence. she cursed her fate who always brought them face to face when she wanted to run away from him.

“Do you have any problem sitting with me??? First let me eat something and then talk.” He said smirking.

She saw him smirking which irked her. She wanted him to punch on his face but she looked at her small hand then his handsome and huffed in annoyance when she felt her hand was so small in compare his face it’s mean punching him was a waste idea.

Do you really have courage to do” her subconscious mind asked her in mocking tone.

 ” Yes”  she said confidently.

“You even can’t speak single word before him without stuttering and now talking about punching him. Grown up girl’ her subconscious showed her reality.

Okay… now don’t irritate me. Shoo away now” she accepted her defeat and begged her to shut up for some time.

“Okay this time I am shutting myself” she spared her.

“No…...I have no problem but I have to go college.” She gave him a perfect excuse to run away from this.

“Why are you in such a hurry to go??? You won't read everything in one day???” he scoffed at her when she didn’t stop her ‘want to go’ ranting.

She bowed down her head and said in single word. “No”

“Then shut up now and let me have my breakfast peacefully.” He said arrogantly while waiter settle his breakfast on table.

He saw her while eating his breakfast who was clearly frustrated from all this. It felt very strange to her but she was not able to do anything because she had a good experience of his anger.

He asked to her while having breakfast “How much do you love your family??”

“What kind of question is that?? Everyone loves their family so much and I also love my family so much.” She asked with surprised face. She was stunned hearing this stupid question. That was not obvious that everyone loved their family so much.

“Even if one of them does something wrong?” he asked angrily when he saw immense faith in her eyes for her family.

“This can never happen. My family can never do anything bad to anyone. All are good people in my family. I can trust them blindly.” She defended her family and said with anger and fear, Fear for his anger and anger for accusing her family.

“What do you think what you see was all true. Your father looks a great man but in reality, he is heartless, selfish and cruel man.” He roared in anger. She flinched on her chair hearing his angry voice.

Saying this he got up and held her hand tightly lifting her from her seat.

She was scared to see all this. She started to feel pain from his grip but she said nothing.

He pulled her closer to him and said with warning "The better you think of your father he is not so good at all. You haven't seen his real face yet but I'll soon remove his goody mask of lies. "

He pushed her hard making her fall on the floor. he went from there without turning around. She was scared of the painful and horrible act of his. Her tears started falling out from her eyes. Everyone presented there was watching all this. An old lady came to her and help her to stand up from the floor and made her sat on the chair.

She gave her glass of water to drink.

She took water and drank in one go.  Old lady asked her "Dear are you okay??? are you hurt anywhere." She shook her head in no and thanked her helping her and came out.

She composed herself for a while. When she felt little good then she called the driver and told him to pick her up from here. She came straight home and went to her room without informing anyone.

She dumped herself in her bed and started crying.

Vishant was sitting on his chair in office room and looking at his hand with anger and guilt. He said in anger to himself “how I can hurt the girl I love???”

he banged his hand on table with full force.

He was cursing himself hurting her in his rage when a voice from his mind spatted at him “She is Agarwal so she does not deserve your love and care.”

“But she is innocent” his heart told him.

He hated his heart and mind fighting. He started throwing all the things in his office here and there in anger. Hearing this noise his secretary knocked on the door of his room and asked him peeping through door inside "Sir are you are okay" 

He shouted at her in anger and made her run her away and opened the door and left his office in anger.


Mahi was thinking only for the evening that today was her first date with Vishant. Today she wanted to look beautiful to impress vishant. she liked him very much and wanted to carry on her relationship with him and wanted him to like her too.

She was very excited for evening so she finished her office work early and came home early to be ready for this evening.

Mahi saw the door of Aashi's room a little bit open and went to her room to meet her to see her sitting in her balcony and lost her in her deep thoughts. Mahi went to her and sat beside her on sofa.

seeing her gloomy and dull face, she put her hand lovingly on her shoulder and asked her “what happened? Is there anything?”

when Aashi heard her sister voice with full of love and concern, she couldn’t stop her to hug her.

She hugged her tightly but didn’t tell anything to Mahi. She told her that she's just missing their mother.

Mahi hugged her back tightly and said to her "I also miss her a lot but if you want to share something you can tell me.”

 Aashi nodded with a smile and said “I am fine Didu (elder sister).

 "How did you come so quickly today?" she asked her when she realized.

Mahi blushed and said shyly "Today I have a date with someone so I have to be ready for him and wanted to look most beautiful girl for him that is why I came early. "

Hearing this Aashi forget all her worry and got happy for her sister. Aashi started asking Mahi like a child nonstop question “Who is he?" How did you meet him? How long have you met him? Do you like him?? Why didn't you tell me?"

Mahi laughed and caressed her cheek “so many questions. Now tell me which question I answer first?"

"Sorry…….sorry…… which one you like but I need answers to all the questions. " She said pouting.

Just then mahi’s phone rang and walked back into room to attend to call. That call was from Vishant. He told her that he himself will pick her up there and be ready at 7:00 in the evening.

Mahi came to her and said "I will tell you everything tomorrow but right now I am getting late so I go to be ready."

Aashi nodded her head.

Mahi left from there. Aashi was still thinking about Mahi's date partner, who is he???

In evening Aashi was strolling in the garden. She heard some noises and turned around and saw a car entered in mansion premises. She went to checked who came at this time but her step halted when she saw who was climbing down from car. Vishant climbed down of the car with his unlimited stock of attitude. She got flashed of today morning and started shivering, sweat bids formed on her forehead. Her face turned white in fear. She followed her mind and run inside mansion. She quickly came to her room and locked the doors. Vishant saw her running figure and cursed himself for his morning behaviour.

He came inside the mansion.

His heart was nagging him to go behind her and apology for what he did with her. He wanted to talk to her. he felt very bad for his own rude behavior what he had done to her in the morning.

Janaki came there with a tray.

She gave glass of water and turned to leave but stopped when he asked her “where is the washroom”

Janaki told him the way to the washroom.

She also told him what mahi said her to convey him “please wait for a while. Mahi will come in while” he nodded his head.

Going to the washroom was an excuse. he wanted to talk to Aashi. He started searching for her room in the mansion, in a short while he found her room.

He softly knocked on the door of her room. she came and opened the door. Before she could say anything or could do anything.

He put his hand on her mouth, dragged her inside the room locking the door from the inside.

Everything happened suddenly she didn’t even get time to react but when she understood she felt scared.

She was very afraid of it. She wanted to scream but couldn’t because of his hand on her mouth.  He pinned her on door and said in low yet cold tone “I am removing my hand from your mouth but don't shout. I just want to talk to you.”

She nodded her head like doll. He chuckled at her and removed his hand from her mouth and hugged her tightly. she started struggling in his arms. He felt her struggle due to his tight hug and loose his hug quickly but still he did not separate her from himself.

He put his one hand on her waist and with other hand started caressing her chicks with love.

He felt her tears in his fingers tip. He didn’t like her tears specially when he was the reason behind those tears.

Seeing her crying he lovingly held her hand and made her sit on the sofa and asked her with love "Why are you so afraid of me? Why are you crying so much? First you tell me that you weren't hurt somewhere, right? I was very angry in the morning so I did it. Otherwise, I'd never think of doing that to you. "

He showered his nonstop questions on her.

she was still crying with hiccups time to time. She looked at him and found him looking at her with softness in his eyes not like morning cold and cruel. She did not understand by looking at the him that what kind of a person was he?? sometimes he hurt her without any reason and sometimes he treated her like glass doll who need extra care. Why did he do that to her?? What has she done to him?

He wiped her tears with his fingers.

He roamed his eyes on her body from her head to toe to find any injury with worry and concern in his eyes.

he saw her hand and light red marks were seen on wrist due to his tight grip along with the bracelet given by him on her wrist

“I love that you like my gift” he said while caressing bracelet. She looked him in confusion.

Bringing her hands close to his lips and kissed them sensuously. She felt a tingling sensation in her body when his lips touched her hand hut she shrugged this feeling. she pulled her hand from his grip and asked him in her frightened and sweet voice "What are you doing?"

"After all you said something, I thought I will not hear your sweet voice but leave all this just tell me how long are planning to cry?? And most important one you tell me where is the first aid box?”

First, she thought to tell him to leave but she knew that he will not leave without doing what he wanted to do so she told him where was the first aid box. He went to take first aid box and came back in 30 seconds. He took out the medicine from box and started applying on her wrist softly while blowing air on her wrist. Before she could open her mouth to say something he put his finger on her lips and told her "Sit quiet, there is no need to say anything".

He gave a pill to easy her pain.

She quietly took the medicine without protesting as she knew that he will not leave her without taking the medicine and if he got angry it will not be good for her at all.

Vishant was staring at her while applying spray on her wrist.

He thought “what happening with me???? I should hate her but what am I doing?? Why my heart can’t support me against her??? Why heart was behaving like she was the sole owner of my heart?? Why doesn't this girl go out of my mind??  why her every move forces me to get close to her again and again? Why ?? God why???”

She looked at him and her eyes locked with him. His eyes were like him to her sometime cold sometime warm. She lost in his eyes. she didn’t know why she was feeling a pull towards him when she even couldn’t stand in his present. For him, her eyes were his peace who giving warmth him.

His phone’s ringtone broke their eye lock. He cursed that person who called him. She bowed down her head when she realized what was she doing. He saw mahi’s name was flashing on phone screen.

He caressed her wrist once again, kissed her wrist and forehead and left from there.

She was sitting like statue. She was not believing that he again kissed her and this time her forehead too. She touched her forehead in disbelief.

Mahi was waiting for Vishant in the hall. She was looking very beautiful in a black ankle length dress. Seeing him approaching her she asked "Where were you? How long have I been waiting for you?"

He told her that he went to washroom.

They both came to the car. Aashi was lost in his thoughts while standing in balcony putting her hands on railing. She couldn’t believe what happened just a while ago how he applied the medicine on her wrist and kissed her. she was still feeling his lips on her skin. She felt goosebumps in her body. Then her eyes fell on Mahi and Vishant and Yes, she saw them sitting in the car.

she started thinking in her mind "Today Didu (elder sister) was going on date na??? why is Didu going with this monster? No…it can't be that. No… he can’t be Di’s date. This man is not good for her infact he is not good for any girl. I have to tell her that the man is not right. "

She started to worry about her sister. What did he want do??? on the one hand he hated their father so much, on the other hand he was dating her sister and involving with her. What was the reason for doing this??

She made her mind to talk her sister when she came back from this so called drama date.

Vishant took Mahi in seven Start Hotel. she came in to the hotel and saw that the whole hotel was empty, only one table was placed in middle and decorated. she saw and understood that he had done all this to make the date special.

He pulled a chair for her and made her sit on the chair. At his order the hotel staff turned on the music and gradually the music started playing. he looked at her and asked her “Would you like to dance with me.”

She smiled and extended her hand towards him without saying anything. He took her in his arms and started dancing.

He asked her “will you be my girlfriend??”

she didn’t believe her ears that she has heard all this but she got happy to hear this and said yes without wasting any time. she started dancing in his arms. She got lost in his arms.

At the end of the song, they came back to the table and sat down and started eating. They didn’t talk to each other. they're lost in themselves. On the one hand Mahi was happy to think about that finally her wish came true. On the other hand, there is only hatred, revenge in his mind. After their date he dropped her house and came back to his house.


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